Janey in Paris

Who We are: Incorporated, Non-profit Multidisciplinary Arts Support Organization

Purpose: To nurture and support creative artists, organizations, and events in New Brunswick and the Atlantic region.

Fund Objectives:

To advance education by providing mentorship, training and development, and workshops to creative artists from the following categories (film, photography, dance, theatre, music, craft, visual art, writing, and other art forms).
To offer programs that maximize human employment potential in the relief of poverty for creative artists from the following categories (film, photography, dance, theatre, music, craft, visual art, writing, and other art forms) by providing assistance through grants, scholarships, and other forms of financial aid.
To advance the public’s appreciation of the arts by supporting artistic presentations in public places, senior citizens homes, churches, community centres, and educational institutions.
Cat LeBlanc - Founder/President
Maureen LeBlanc - Founder, Vice-President
Tony Merzetti - Director, Treasurer

The JL Legacy Fund was created in memory of artist and adventurer Janey LeBlanc and is run by the LeBlanc family and other volunteers. The contributions come from the public, businesses, arts organizations, artists in every discipline, and the LeBlanc family. 100% of the monies go back into the creative community to artists.

- Janey was a precocious and adventurous child. A gifted athlete and fun-loving person, she was a champion pitcher and actor in variety shows at school. At 19 years old in 1983, Janey informed her parents that she was flying to Paris to be a nanny for two doctors. Once there, she cared for their children and studied at the Sorbonne. Janey then sailed around the globe to Venezuela, where she sewed fishermen's nets, and then to Africa, where she avoided pirates and wild seas. After that, Janey traveled to many countries. During her travels, Jane took thousands of pictures. Eventually, she returned home and attended St. Thomas University. After graduation, she worked for NB Liquor until her brain cancer diagnosis. Janey then moved in with her sister Cat for ten years. Janey died in her mother's living room in Miramichi, surrounded by friends and family, in 2010. After her death, her sister Cat found 48 Journals that Janey had left her, covering her life from age eight until her death at 46.