Wendy Keats

Wendy has 40+ years experience as a trainer, consultant, evaluator, and mediator. She has worked with over 300 non-profits in areas ranging from governance and strategic planning to training, human resource management, and evaluation. Wendy is also a certified mediator and trainer in Interest-based Negotiation and Facilitation. She spent 10 years as a senior faculty member of UPEI’s Centre for Life-Long Learning where she specialized in conflict resolution for the not-for-profit sector.

Wendy’s other key areas of expertise include:
• Governance – providing training and consultation on a wide range of issues related to the roles, responsibilities and best practices of Boards of Directors including policy development, member relations, fiduciary duties, democratic decision-making, and human resource and volunteer management.  
• Evaluation and organizational reviews: designing and carrying out participatory evaluations on programs, operations and governance; conducting reviews or audits to assess and make recommendations about the organization’s structure, governance, human and financial management, policies and procedures, programs and services.
• Strategic Planning and Organizational Development – designing and facilitating strategic planning sessions, developing and assessing social enterprise ideas, conducting feasibility studies, preparing business plans, structural analysis and development, operations and human resource management.
• Conflict Management - using interest-based processes (i.e. mediation/facilitation) to help group’s resolve conflicts between staff, board, volunteers or clients; working with groups to develop policies and procedures that minimize conflict; providing training to groups that help build skills and knowledge to resolve and prevent conflict.